
Creation and registration

    .creator(function(moduleObj) {
        alert('Hello ' + moduleObj.innerHTML;

this module gets loaded when a DOM-element with attribute modules=”helloWorld” is found. The found DOM-Node is then given to the Module as the first parameter

<div modules="hello-world">World</div> // alerts Hello World

Incase more than one DOM-Node with the same module is found more than one module-object are initialized

<div modules="hello-world">World1</div> //alerts Hello World1
<div modules="hello-world">World2</div> //alerts Hello World2


like parts modules could be provisioned with settings

    .settings({staticText : 'World'})
    .creator(function(moduleObj, settings) {
        alert('Hello ' + settings.staticText;
<div modules="static-hello-world" /> //alerts Hello World

Override from DOM

an additional setting which merges/overrides the default settings object could be provided via DOM

<div modules="static-hello-world"> //alerts Hello Module
  <script type="staticHelloWorld/settings"> 
      "staticText" : "Module"

Dependencie Injection

modules could be composed out of parts. It’s a design decision to not allow modules to be injected in other modules. Use the EventBus for communication between modules.

    .settings({staticText : 'World'})
    .creator(function(moduleObj, settings, adder) {
        alert('Hello ' + settings.staticText + ' ' + adder.add(1,2);
<div modules="static-hello-world-with-dependencies" /> //alerts Hello World 3

PostConstruct Hook

every module could decide to publish a postConstruct method which gets executed after every module is properly initialized. This should be used if a event could be resulting from the actions in place. Because if an event is published before all modules are initialized, a listening module could not listening to the EventBus already and miss the event.

    .creator(function(moduleObj, eventBus) {
        function postConstruct() {
            var event = {
                name = 'HelloWorldChanged',
                text = moduleObj.innerHTML
        return {
            postConstruct : postConstruct
<div modules="hello-world-publisher" /> //publish hello world changed

Communication between modules

modules should communicate over the eventBus to prevent tight coupling. For this every module is added to the EventBus automatically. For this a public method have to be exposed with a name like: on + EventName (eg. onHelloWorldChanged)

Detailed documentation: eventBus

More than one Module per DOM-Element

sometimes it is useful to handle a dom element with more than one js-module. For this it is possible to load more than one module with a comma separated list

<div modules="module-to-load1,other-module-to-load" /> // loads two modules with the same moduleObj

Start Provisioning

when every module is registered in the module system initModulePage() should be called. This would typically be done on DOM ready

$(function() {